Microsoft Teams/SharePoint - How to Add a Channel

Microsoft Teams/SharePoint - How to Add a Channel

The best way to add a Channel in SharePoint is via Microsoft Teams.

1. Open Microsoft Teams.

2. Click on the Team you want to add a Channel to.

3. Click the 3 Horizontal dots.

4. Click Add Channel.

5. Enter a name for the Channel.

6. Add a description if needed.

7. Select the right kind of privacy.

a. You can have everyone in the Team to have access to the Channel.

b. You can have certain people have access from within the team.

i. Enter the names of the people that will need access to it.

c. You can have people from outside of the organization have access to the Channel.

8. Check or uncheck if you would like the Channel to be shown in everyone’s channel list.

9. Click Add.

10. Now, you will have a channel on the left hand side to communicate and share files through.