How to Change Meeting Settings in Zoom
When you create a meeting in Zoom, sometimes times/days may need to be changed.
1. Open a browser (i.e. Chrome, Firefox or Edge) and go to
2. Click Sign in.
3. Click SSO.
4. Enter arapahoe-edu for the company domain.
5. Enter your S# and your myACC password.
a. If you have a W#, replace the S# with the W# and W# password.
6. Click Sign In.
7. Click Meetings on the left hand side.
8. Hover over the meeting that needs to be edited.
9. Click Edit.
10. If it is a recurring meeting, you will have a choice to edit one of the meetings or all of them.
11. Change the necessary settings for the meeting such as the time or date of the meeting.
12. Once all changes have been made, click Save.
13. Now, the zoom meeting has been updated.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the ACC IT Helpdesk at 303-797-5900 or create a ticket at for further assistance.