1. Open the Outlook Desktop app.
2. At the bottom left, click on the Calendar icon.
3. Right-click your Arapahoe calendar to bring up the Calendar menu.
4. Select "Sharing Permissions..."
5. Select Add in the Calendar Properties menu:
6. Here you can search for the individual(s) you would like to share your calendar with, by last name.
a. After finding the individual you would like to share your email with, highlight their name and select Add.
b. Select OK.
7. You will now see the individual you shared your calendar with on this page.
a. You can edit the permissions you would like the individual to be able to have for your calendar.
b. Once the correct permissions are set, select Apply.
8. The recipient will receive an email for the calendar invitation.
9. In the Calendar invitation email, click Accept.
10. In order for the individual to see your calendar that you just shared, they will need to go to their calendar and under "Shared Calendars" on the left hand side, they can select your name and your calendar will start populating.
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