How to set up voicemail on Cisco phones.
1. If you are at any phone on campus:
-Press the “messages” button on the phone, then press the * key
-Enter your 7 digit extension (797XXXX or 128XXXX)
-Press the # key
-You will be prompted for a PIN (The default PIN is 12355)
-Press 4 for options
-Press 3 for settings
-Press 1 to reset pin.
-You will be provided an opportunity to change it to a custom PIN of your choosing.
-Instructions will be provided over the phone to aid you in setting up your name and greeting.
2. If you are off campus:
-Dial 303-797-5700 and hit the * key
-Dial your 7 digit extension (797XXXX or 128XXXX)
-Press the # key
-You will be prompted for a PIN (The default PIN is 12355)
-Press the # key
-You will be provided an opportunity to change it to a custom PIN of your choosing.
-Instructions will be provided over the phone to aid you in setting up your name and greeting.
Use the following steps to check your voicemail:
3. If you are at any phone on campus:
-Press the “messages” button on the phone, then press the * key
-Enter your 7 digit extension (797XXXX or 128XXXX)
-Press the # key
-Enter your PIN
-Press 4 for options
-Press 3 for settings
-Press 1 to reset pin.
-Listen to the options and follow the directions to retrieve your voicemail
4. If you are off campus:
-Dial 303-797-5700 and hit * button
-Dial your 7 digit extension (797XXXX or 128XXXX)
-Press # button
-Enter your PIN
-Press # button
-Listen to the options and follow the directions to retrieve your voicemail
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