How to Compress Files Compressing a File - Windows 11
Right-click the file you would like to compress
Hover over Compress to…
Select Zip File.
Your file will now be compressed.
Uncompressing a file - Windows 11
Right-click the file you would like to unzip.
Click Extract All.
Click Extract.
Now, your file is unzipped.
Compressing a File
First right - Windows 10
1. Right-click the file you would like to compress.
2. Hover over "Send to".
3. Click on "Compressed (zipped) folder .
4. This will send the file into a zipped folder that will be smaller than the original file.
5. This folder can then be sent to another recipient that can then uncompressed the file and use it.
Uncompressing a File
First right 1. Right-click the compressed folder. Then click "
2. Click Extract all".
3. A popup will appear.
4. Hit "Extract".
5. You will now have an uncompressed version of the file!
Updated By
Skyler Puckett
Last Updated
Jan 27, 2022, 10:42 AM
Created By
Skyler Puckett
Created At
Jan 27, 2022, 10:40 AM