User Permissions are used to govern each individual user's ability to add or remove records and other users to the folder. You can access User Permissions from the "Users" tab and click the dropdown next to the user's email.
Authorizing a New Device
If you’re getting a device refresh, you’ll need to make sure that you authorize the new device from your old one before you will be able to use Keeper.
On your new device, log into keepersecurity.com via your preferred web browser using your employee email and password.
Follow the instructions for Duo on your authorized device.
On your old device, log in and access your Keeper Vault. You will need to approve the new device from here once prompted.
On the new device, select the Keeper Push method.
From your Keeper Vault on the old device, this notification window will appear asking if you are trying to sign in, click Yes.
You should now have access to your Keeper Vault on your new device.
Keeper End-User Guides
More Keeper guides can be found directly on Keeper’s website or through the links on our Keeper End-User Guides article here: https://arapahoe.atlassian.net/wiki/x/3QCgCQ